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Download BibePortMal to have access to a resource to learn and use Malacca Portuguese (Papiá Cristang) at your fingertips.BibePortMal is a Malacca Portuguese-English dictionary with almost 3000 entries to help you learn and use Malacca Portuguese.Developed in collaboration with actual speakers of Malacca Portuguese in Malacca, the heartland of this language, this dictionary has features such as:• the ability to search for words in either Malacca Portuguese or English.• audio recordings of entries by Malacca Portuguese speakers.• example sentences in Malacca Portuguese.• English translations of example sentences.• a new word of the day to each time you use the app to help you increase your vocabulary.The spelling conventions in BibePortMal are based on Singho et al. (2016) but alternative spellings are also provided.The dictionary will be updated with new entries.